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Let's make the world more productive, together.
ClickUpdates 2.202
 AU localized data hosting
AU localized data hosting
If you're anywhere around Australia and New Zealand, then we have some news that will make your day! All your core data, from Tasks and Docs to Automation and Attachments, can now be stored closer to you than ever before—in our brand new Australian AWS data center. Enterprise Plan customers in this region will automatically be moved to the new localized data center.
 Fresh new colors across your Workspace
Fresh new colors across your Workspace
Themes, Custom Status, Tags, Avatars, and more—we've harmonized them all with a refreshed ClickUp palette! Dive into a vibrant and unified workspace, making every touch and interaction even more delightful.
 Drill down on Line Charts
Drill down on Line Charts
Introducing our new drill-down feature for Line Charts. It's like a backstage pass for your data—click on any data point, see the associated tasks, and hop straight into the action. It's the perfect tool to analyze what's driving trends and impacting your projects over time.
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