April 2024
Analytics Snapshot
We've aggregated data from 1 of your Cloudflare sites during the month of April. Cloudflare served 135.93 GB of data, and mitigated firewall events.
Top traffic by location during April
Top Traffic Locations
- United States: 917,277
- United Kingdom: 83,341
- Singapore: 64,373
- India: 52,678
- Other: 569,706
Firewall mitigated events during April
since March
- United States: 146,814
- Germany: 7,435
- Canada: 5,372
0 out of
1 zones are protected by Cloudflare
*based on old WAF Managed Rules only
Avoid Internet traffic jams |
Cloudflare's Argo Smart Routing uses insights from our vast network to find the fastest connections enabling web assets to perform 30% faster on average. That means your visitors can spend less time waiting and more time doing. |
You asked, we delivered: Optimize images with Free plans
All Free plans now have access to one of our most popular premium features. With Cloudflare Images, you can optimize any publicly available image on the internet.
Get Started > |
Workers AI: Introducing Meta Llama 3 Support
Cloudflare was a launch partner for Llama 3, allowing developers to access it immediately with just a few lines of code.
Learn more > |
Case study: Delivery Hero simplifies operations using Cloudflare
Learn how Delivery Hero achieved a 98.5% cache hit rate, mitigates significant bot attacks, and secures hybrid work for over 44,000 employees with Cloudflare.
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