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October 10, 2023 - Articles

Email Peeps 26: Connie Cen


What attracted you to email marketing, and how did you get to where you are today?

I can’t choose just one thing. The beautiful designs, the persuasive copy, EVERYTHING! All jokes aside, what truly attracted me to email marketing was the fact that I could add explosive top-line revenue to brands who weren’t giving their email channels enough attention.

As a previous e-commerce brand owner, I struggled to get customers to come back to buy more from me. After trial and error, I figured it out, got good at it, and thought “If I had this retention problem, other brand owners are probably struggling with it too!” so I’ve written content that speaks to my skills, and naturally clients started seeing the value.

Fast forward to today, we’ve worked with over 20+ clients globally and plan to expand even more. Even though we plan to expand, we only specialize in DTC lifecycle retention (email, sms, and push) as that’s a game we love to play and play very well 🙂

What’s your favorite email marketing hack?

If you’re facing deliverability issues, try sending a plain-text email from the founder. You’ll be surprised at the positive metrics it can generate, plus it’ll give your deliverability a boost!

What could most ecommerce brands improve when it comes to email marketing?

Design optimized for email. I’ve seen many brands who throw spaghetti at a wall and hope it sticks. There’s an art to designing an email that results in higher engagement, CTR, and overall revenue.

One key tip: Always have a CTA button in the first fold.

What’s in your email marketing toolbox?


  • Two monitors so I can look at twice the amount of emails daily!


What’s your favorite email campaign of all time? Why?

This email we sent for our past client Wig Dealer. It was fun featuring celebrities like Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, and JT in the email. Customers loved it, and it showed 🙂

Whose email newsletters do you consistently make time to read?

Nik Sharma, Ron and Ash

How do you manage work-life balance?

One full day without doing work, 6 days a week doing work-type stuff.
Making sure I exercise every weekday and eat healthily.

Much love,

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @emaillove


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